Labels:text | screenshot | rectangle | pattern OCR: Figure 1: The CD HELP command's results. CD-ROM NUM Command Line Ort Long CD DEVICE LIST CO VOLUME LIST CD MOUNT ING .Tor Iublume nancy Chare CD DISMOUNT ING Lor Lvolume hanel CD CHANGE (No ] or [volume name] ( chac" CD DIB IND. I Tuolune nane] CD GROUP ([group name] and [group hun)) CD PURGE (This will destroy all index files.) CD RENAME DEING.3 (neu volune nane ] CD HELP tu diant Lo adil Macintosh Nagie Spacey The mes Space Support is used Lo cut the default oulune group access rights This te the hunter Listed from the GROUP Command >> The 1group hahe I is to wild a group name ( del as wane will rendue The I grotes nun I is ised to add a new group nane to the group accade Fre 11.30 The. Hand to rebuild the index file on the selected Walune The X-nane is used to exclude a directory tree from the mounted polune Special option "I', with importing eshors tru to mount the Dolune anyway. device may Hour Do not be a lached